Davante Adams brings 7-year-old onto green before autographing shirt


STATELINE, Nev. – NFL wide receiver Davante Adams was caught by surprise when 7-year-old Dillon Downey ran up next to him while signing autographs.

“Whoa, where did you come from?” Adams exclaimed. He had just finished hole three at the celebrity golf tournament at Edgewood Resort opening day, July 10, and stopped to say hello to fans before making the small journey to hole four.

But before that next stop, he brought Dillon out to the green and quizzed him on some golf questions, according to Dillon.

Him and his family were up from Novato, Calif. for their first time at the tournament and are fans of Adams since he’s from the Bay Area.

Although Dillon couldn’t quite repeat exactly what the Las Vegas Raider asked him, he said he answered everything right.

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