Inclement Weather Service Updates May 28, 2024

Updated 7:00 p.m. May 29, 2024
The City of Dallas is monitoring impacts from inclement weather and will update this site to inform residents of City Service modifications for May 28, 2024.
If you have been affected by the May 28, 2024 severe weather, please visit the following webpage for a list of City of Dallas Respite Centers – Respite Centers.
Si ha sido afectado por el clima severo del 28 de mayo de 2024, por favor visite la siguiente página web para ver una lista de los Centros de Respiro de la Ciudad de Dallas – Centros de Respiro
Call 911 in an emergency if you need police, fire or EMS.
An emergency includes medical events, fire, serious vehicle crash with injury, a crime in progress, or a life-threatening event.
Otherwise, call 311 or file an online report for eligible non-emergencies.
Residents are encouraged to be aware of high-water conditions
The heavy rainfall may create high-water conditions throughout the City. The public is advised to be smart, use caution and heed all warning signs when approaching flooded streets, streams, or any body of water. Turn Around. Don’t Drown.
Observe these basic safety rules. They could save your life.
- Heed all warning signs
- Watch for rising water levels
- Know where high ground is and move there quickly if you see or hear rapidly rising water
- Do not attempt to cross through flowing water or standing water when you do not know its depth
- Do no try to drive through flooded areas — most flood-related deaths occur in automobiles
- If your vehicle stalls, abandon it and seek higher ground immediately
- Be especially cautious at night
- Follow the advice of local emergency management officials before going on area lakes or rivers
The public is advised to follow the National Weather Service recommendation, “Turn Around. Don’t Drown.” and be aware of the dangers of driving or walking into flooded areas.
Oncor Updates
We are currently monitoring and responding to outages caused by thunderstorms producing large hail and wind gusts up 80 mph in DFW and surrounding areas. Severe storm watches and warnings remain in effect for parts of our service area. We appreciate your patience as we work as quickly and safely as possible to restore power.
To report a power outage or check the status, text OUT to 66267, use the MyOncor app, click “Report an Outage” on the map, or call 888-313-4747.
Safety for our teams and the public remains Oncor’s number one priority. If you see a downed power line, please stay away, keep pets and others away and call 911 immediately.
Garbage and recycle collections are delayed one day this week for all Sanitation customers beginning Tuesday, May 28. Tuesday routes will be collected on Wednesday, Wednesday routes on Thursday, Thursday routes on Friday, and Friday routes on Saturday. Collection may be further delayed for streets or alleyways that remain blocked due to down trees. Sanitation asks that property owners/controllers clear streets/alleys from any debris originating from their property. Down trees may also be reported to 311 by phone or by clicking here.
Sanitation customers may place storm debris at the curb now. Please place debris in 2 piles: 1 for vegetative yard debris, and 1 for other storm debris such as building materials. Up to 20-cubic yards will be collected at no additional cost. Any amount over this limit placed at the curb and collected by Sanitation will be billed at the rate of $60 per 5 cubic yards, billed in 5 cubic yard increments. All other program rules related to placement, size of cuttings, and prohibited items still apply. Click here for more information.
All Dallas residents may self-haul waste to the landfill or a transfer station at no cost. See rules and hours of operation here. Residents may also consider utilizing debris removal services of a private company, which may be able to remove debris more quickly and remove larger volumes at less cost.
There are large volumes of storm debris citywide. Sanitation is rapidly scaling up the number of crews to collect debris through use of on-call contractor services, but it will likely take several months to collect all debris and return to a normal brush and bulky item collection schedule. Customers are asked to hold or self-haul non-storm related brush and/or bulky items until all storm debris has been collected.
Property owners that do not receive brush and bulky item collection services from the Department of Sanitation, such as businesses and apartment complexes are responsible for their own debris removal. They may contact their solid waste provider for guidance on this.
Public Works
Public Works has crews spread out throughout the city responding to 311 calls. The crews are cutting up large trees and moving them to the curb for Sanitation Brush Buster crews to remove. The team will be working round the clock this week to clear the down trees as quickly as possible.
Stay safe on the roads during severe weather!
Traffic Signals: Report flashing signals or outages by calling 311 or by submitting a report on their app.
If a traffic signal is flashing or without power, treat the intersection as a four way stop. Proceed cautiously.
Proceed through intersections with caution, even if you have a green light or the right of way.
If you see fallen wires, poles or other potentially dangerous debris, do not approach, attempt to move, or drive over them.
Dallas Libraries
Lochwood Branch closed (no power) and Oak Lawn Branch closed (no power).
Park Forest closed (no power).
Dallas WIC Clinics Status
Office of Community Care Clinic Location (
MLK- closed for training till 10:30AM
Fruitdale- closed for training till 10:30AM
Lake June-open
Grand Prairie-open
East Garland-open
Northwest Hwy-closed due to power outage
Spring Valley-closed due to power outage
Buckner- closed
West Garland-open
Lactation Care Center-open
Dallas Zoo
Dallas Zoo is closed.
DART Service Alerts